Saturday, April 9, 2022


I haven't posted in a while . . . lots going on this Lenten season . . . AND I've been trying to get my endurance up for the Pastor Challenge II. (Don't know what that is? See my previous post below, or click the Pastor Challenge tab above!)

So an update: yesterday, I did a hard workout of riding and a variety of other full body exercises for 4 hours and 40 minutes, only drinking water. I was pretty spent at the end! But that's well on my way to my 6 hours goal. And, I am hoping that if I can do that with only drinking water, then when I ride with some nutrition and sport drink, that should add to my endurance a bit. I still don't know if I can do the whole 100 miles, and I don't know if I can do that in 6 hours - that's going to be a wait and see. No practice runs when you're going that far!

The other good news is that while I needed to rest a bit yesterday afternoon after that workout, I recovered pretty well and by the evening was feeling okay. This morning back to normal. 

BUT the Lutherans for Life team still needs sponsors! We are only 1/5 of the way to our $10K goal (last I checked). We need your help. The Pregnancy Center needs your help. Please consider sponsoring me/us and help us get those matching funds that will really help the Center. Click on the "Pastor Challenge" tab above for a link to the fundraising website. Thanks!

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