Saturday, July 24, 2021

Higher Things Day 4

The last day is always a short day. Start with Matins, then the final plenary, then lunch and the closing Divine Service. The conference t-shirts in size large (MY size!) did not arrive on time, so we put off taking our group picture until today, so we could all wear our shirts together. Well, that didn't work out so well. I didn't get my shirt in time and it rained . . . :-(  We were going to take our picture on the same bench outside the chapel as last time we were here, but it was too wet. So we took it in the chapel - which is good, so you can see some of the chapel.

We left as quickly as we could after the closing service so we wouldn't get into the hotel too late. We stopped in Elmore, OH (think: middle of nowhere) for dinner. We found a little hole-in-the-wall place that had good pizza.

After dinner, we wait until it gets dark, and then comes "Higher Things @ Night" in the van. This is when we get really silly remember all the adventures of this week, imitating people, and playing assorted games. If you get a question right, you get to eat one of the official candies of Higher Things, a Mike 'n Ike. Which are generally good . . . except for the red ones. They say they're cherry, but no human being with any taste buds would agree. They're vile. So part of the fun is that after dark, you can't see which flavor you're getting until after you bite into it! Then you discover if you got a good one or one of the dreaded red ones!

So, for the first time ever, you can join in the fun and try to guess which of the group we're talking about here . . . (I'm not going to give any answers and throw anyone under the bus! You'll have to use your imagination . . .)

Who ate butter like it was ice cream?

Who got potatoes stuck in their phone?

Who couldn't figure out the "You are here" on the campus map and thought we weren't on the campus!

Who thought people had turkeys for pets?

Who walked into a sign pole?

Who walked into a tree?

Who left pastor's towel on the bathroom floor. :-(

Who did a "back flop" off the high dive at the pool and almost broke their back?

Who fell asleep and got water poured on them?

Who is really bad at playing the game "Contact"?

Who had to sit "in the hole" the most?

Who was the best rapper in the group? (You already know the answer to that one!)

That's enough for now! We'll post more if we think of more for you.

We got into the hotel around midnight and bedded down for a few hours sleep before heading off to Macungie, PA for the installation of a pastor there. But that's another day . . .

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