Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Higher Things Days 0 and 1

Yes, it's Higher Things week again! We're in Wisconsin at Concordia University, right on Lake Michigan. How is it here? Well, it was hot yesterday! But we're settling in and getting going . . .

Monday was the big travel day, picking everyone up, and then heading west. The drive was mostly uneventful. Just long. We pulled into the Ft. Wayne Seminary around 7 pm. The ever-so-gracious and patient and newly-elected president Jon Bruss gave our group a quick tour before dinner. How great is that! We also saw lots of friends at dinner - the Broaddus, Hoverson, and Hall families, and the Nus children. So we had a full room to eat pizza an unwind after the drive. Sadly, it was such a long day and things were so hectic, I didn't even think to take pictures. UGH!

Sleepy head

Here's a truck were we behind in Chicago . . . Why am I showing you this? Here's why:

Who hangs a baby on the back of their truck?

So Monday morning back on the road early to finish our drive. Had some torrential rain in western Indiana, then a lot of traffic through Chicago (of course, and in the picture above), but got to campus to check in around 12:45. After a couple of hiccups, we got everyone to their rooms and settled in, then over to the chapel for the 2:00 Opening Service. 

The chapel was jam packed! Which is nice to see, except we were on the later side of getting there, so very little seating left. So we didn't get the greatest seats and couldn't all sit together. The service was good, though! As always.

I taught my first breakaway at 7 pm, which was just meh. I can do better. Hopefully I will today on my second go 'round.

For now, a few more pictures until tomorrow, many, as usual, of friends I see and get to catch up with . . .

Pastor John Berg

This is what happens in the foam bubble pit!

Pastor Joel Fritsche, former missionary in the Dominican Republic and now at Concordia, Seminary, St, Louis. We were supposed to be together in the Dominican Republic next week for Higher Things Abroad, but sadly, that had to be cancelled.

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