Friday, June 14, 2024

Guess Who?

So, flew back to Milwaukee yesterday for an orientation/welcome session at Concordia University-Wisconsin with my youngest, and guess who was at the airport with us?

Yup, that's his plane (was he on it?) sitting right behind ours and blocking the way! So, we were a bit late taking off. Not sure it was all his fault or not, but we weren't in a hurry so it was all good.

But that's not the end of the story . . . (well, it is of the Trump story!) When we got to our hotel where we had reserved a room, the hotel wasn't there! I mean, the building was, but it was now owned by a different company. Fortunately they still had our reservation and we got a very nice room (though I found out this morning the bike is the exercise room only half works :-(.

Now it's off to breakfast and the campus. Beautiful day for it here - sunny and high around 70 degrees!

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