Thursday, March 5, 2020

What God Ordains Is Always Good

What God Ordains Is Always Good
LSB #760

v. 1: What God ordains is always good:
His will is just and holy.
As He directs my life for me,
I follow meek and lowly.
My God indeed In every need
Knows well how He will shield me;
To Him, then, I will yield me.

What God ordains is always good. Really? Do you believe that? I don’t! There are times in my life or things that happen when I ask God why and think that what I am going through is not good at all. The season of Lent would help us see differently and believe this. Especially as we see Jesus on the cross. For there is where it seemed as if everything was going wrong and nothing was good. Look! Evil had won! God is dead. And yet the exact opposite was true. Through the death of Jesus God had won, evil had lost, and so not only was the cross good, it makes everything good again. Through the cross God is restoring creation back to the way it was before the Fall - good again, through the forgiveness of sin. That’s why we can sing this hymn and maybe even believe it. Believe that God is good, that He is always working good, and that whatever He sends me is for my good. So to Him I will yield me. Not my will, but Thine be done.

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