Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Seek Where You May to Find a Way

Seek Where You May to Find a Way
LSB #557

v. 1: Seek where you may
To find a way
That leads to your salvation.
My heart is stilled,
On Christ I build,
He is the one foundation.
His Word is sure,

His works endure;
He overthrows
All evil foes;
Through Him I more than conquer.

How many are seeking and searching to find a way through this current world crisis to their salvation - to being saved from this dangerous virus. But after this crisis is over there will be another. Then another. Then another. Maybe different. Maybe worse. Life in this world is always on the edge and uncertain. And at such times, our hearts beat faster and harder as they are filled with doubts and fears. But as a Christian, as the hymnwriter says, my heart is stilled - at peace - for on Christ I build. He is the foundation that endures all and will last forever. Built on Him, the world can fall to pieces and our life will still be safe and secure. For He has already defeated all our foes through His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, so through Him I more than conquer. How good to hear such words these days of great distress! How good to know, even more, than they are true. As true as the empty tomb. So we no longer have to seek - we know the way: Christ! He is our life, our hope, and our salvation.

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