Saturday, March 18, 2017

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was my father's 93rd birthday. Quite a milestone. Will it be his last? Only God knows. He's been in the hospital a lot this year, but right now is doing pretty well. Here's a couple pictures from our celebration yesterday.

You can see my father in the lower right. Going around the table counter-clockwise from there is my brother and his wife from Florida, my son, daughter #2 (daughter #1 couldn't make it up from school, though she tried!), my sister, my niece, her son, and her husband (also from Florida), and finally my wife. We were hoping for two more, another niece and her husband, but they couldn't get off from work in time. Even though my father doesn't do great with crowds anymore, he seemed to have a good time and enjoy having everyone there.

This picture was taken just a moment too late - it is my father meeting his great-grandson for the very first time. Just a few seconds before this, his great-grandson was looking up at him and staring at him as he was looking down - priceless! 

Sadly, my father will probably forget all this ever happened today. But we have learned to live in the moment with him and enjoy each moment as it comes. And each day that God gives.

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