Friday, December 21, 2012

Is Today THE Day?

This is a little thought I sent out yesterday to one of my e-lists. I thought I would post it here also:

Well, if the Mayans are correct, tomorrow - December 21st - is the end of the world. As Christians, we believe that means that would be the day Christ returns and takes His own to their heavenly home. What a great day that would then be!

As I was thinking about that, I thought of words the Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Philippian Christians:

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
~ Philippians 1:21

I think that reflects the proper attitude of Christians toward any predictions of the end of the world, whether it be of the Mayans, or Harold Camping, or whoever else will be next. If the end does come, it is gain for me! I will be in heaven with my Saviour and receive the goal of my faith. But if the end does not come, then I live on in my earthly vocations, as Christ to my neighbor, loving, forgiving, serving. 

Either way, I am under His love and care each and every day. 
Either way, I am safe and secure in His forgiveness. 
Either way, I need not fear, for Christ has taken care of my past, my present, and my future.

So don't worry about tomorrow! But today, there is much to do. Proclaim the message of Christmas, hug your children, forgive those who sin against you, be God's blessing to others. And rejoice! Rejoice in your Saviour, who we will celebrate this Christmas - either as the babe in the manger, or as the Lamb on the throne in heaven. Either way, it will be a Merry Christmas! 

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