Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Out With The Old, In With The . . . Old

Elections. Part of every District Convention. Many people do not want to serve and so do not run for election. I understand that. But part of what frustrates me a little is the continual re-election of the same people. I'm not against these people, per se, and while I think that continuity is needed to a degree, I also believe that we need new people to serve in positions as well. Yet unless someone chose not to run again, I cannot name a single incumbent that was not re-elected. (I chose not to run again for Circuit Counselor, given my commitment to grad school in the fall. And I think a new Circuit Counselor will serve us well.)

I don't know how to fix this, if it needs fixing at all. Perhaps the problem is mine. I understand also how it happens. When it is time for elections, people don't know everyone who is running and so vote for the names they know - which is usually the incumbents. I think also the fact that incumbents are almost always re-elected discourages some from allowing their name to stand for election. Perhaps we need some incumbents to step aside and allow some new blood to rise up. That would be good, I think, and give a rest to those who have served faithfully for a number of years. I know that I am looking forward to a break from Circuit Counselor!

Well, we'll see what the next three years will bring. I'm sure the people elected will serve faithfully. I will keep them and the District in my prayers. It is not easy to serve. I am grateful they are willing.


John said...

Term limits - J. Gutz

Carl Vehse said...

Prescribing for synodical and district convention delegates one of the drugs advertised during primetime TV for combating Alzheimer's disease might make them more alert and aware of the consequences of their votes.

However, I don't know if I'm comforted knowing this group of people may be (or need to be) taking such medication.