Monday, August 12, 2024

Indoor Skydiving!

A couple of weeks ago, we went indoor skydiving down in Virginia Beach with my daughter who likes to skydive. Now, while I doubt you'll ever get me to jump out of an airplane willingly - I'm far too chicken for that! - this was fun to try. Not at all what I expected. 

We didn't get a lot of time. We each had two turns for just a couple minutes each. The first time you're in there, you're just trying to figure out what's going on! Then the second time you can actually try to do something and are much more comfortable. So I'd be open to going back and seeing what else I could do. 

The instructors that are in there with you are amazing. Very encouraging, and you should see the tricks they are able to do!

Some pictures . . . First a couple of me:

A couple of my younger daughter . . .

And a couple of my wife . . .

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