Friday, February 18, 2022

Birthday, Part 2

So we went to the exhibit on the Sistine Chapel this afternoon. Here are some pictures . . .

Here's the ceiling of the chapel with all the frescoes.

This fresco depicts both the Fall (left) and the expulsion from the Garden (right). I liked how Eve's face is changed quite a bit from when she is reaching for the fruit to when she is being expelled.

This is of the Flood. I liked how the ark was depicted like a house.

The Final Judgment.

Here's a close up of part of the Final Judgment. Near Christ are the apostles and martyrs, many of whom you can tell by what they are holding - symbols of them or their martyrdom. This shows Bartholomew, who, according to tradition, was flayed (skinned) alive. So here he is depicted as holding his skin!

Finally, here is the prophet Ezekiel, since we just finished studying his prophecy!

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