Saturday, November 28, 2015

Holiday Lights

Here's a picture of some of the lights we saw last night at the local Botanical Gardens "Walk of Lights." It was pretty cool. Lots of interesting things to see. In this picture, you can see my father, wife, daughter, and sister in the foreground.

Friday, November 27, 2015


The Peasant Family Thanksgiving feast! Turkey and stuffing, cranberry, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, fruit and vanilla yogurt salad, homemade dinner rolls, and for dessert . . . three pies! Apple, pumpkin, and pecan. I ate waaaaaay too much, but it was a good and enjoyable day. Tonight we are going to a local botanical gardens to look at their "Festival Walk of Lights." The weather isn't supposed to be too cold, so should be nice!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Great Quote

Read this the other day. Think about it and you'll realize the profundity of it.
The Law always comes at the gift refusal point.
(Bill Cwirla, "In the Way of the Law and the Gospel" in Dona Gratis Donata, 5)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

New Mission?

There is a church near my house. It was called the "Family Worship Center." I say was, for a couple weeks ago they changed their name to "Summit Church." Along with that name change was a new banner which said: "New Name. New Mission. Same Church."


New mission? How does the mission of the church change? Are they no longer for families? No longer about worship? I do not understand . . .