Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sermon Trend

Well, in my sermon last week, I mentioned "poopy diapers" (speaking of the good work of fulfilling our vocation as a father or mother). This week, I used the phrase "the vomit of our sins" to describe the mess of sin we often find ourselves in. One of my dear members pointed this out to me after the service today. I guess I'll have to clean up my sermon for next week! :-)

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

Pastor D, your sermons are the very best I have ever heard, please don't "clean" them up. You are able to define our sins exactly as they are; "vomit." You just couldn't have used a better word. In showing us the vomit of our sins you show us the very need of a Saviour. Again, please don't "clean" your sermons up as I (we) need to hear what sin really is and how very much our Lord Jesus cleans us up with His Word and Sacraments. Just keep preaching those most excellent sermons. Next week, I'll just say...good sermon!lol