Sunday, August 23, 2015


A late vacation this year, but finally here!
See you all when we get back.  :-)

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Protest Pictures

Here are a couple pictures from the protest at Planned un-Parenthood today. I was told there were over a thousand folks that  came! By the end, we lined the street all around the block, surrounding the building - pretty impressive. I hope there will be some reports about how the protest in other cities went. A few folks from my church were able to come also. 

This was the crowd already there when I arrived.

Later. You can see the people now extending all the way down to the end of the block.

Two of my newly confirmed came! Good sign!

And they got a free shirt too.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Come to the Protest Tomorrow!

Come to the protest in front of Planned Parenthood the baby death camp and organ supply depot tomorrow. You need to do this. Don't have time? Neither do I. I am leaving for vacation and have about a thousand things to do before that, not to mention getting ready for Sunday. But if not now, when? The videos have exposed an evil that cannot be denied. Come. Your presence and voice is needed. This has to stop. Now. Come. Really.

9:00-11:00 am
303 S Maple Street Suite 300
Falls Church, VA  22046

Here is a link to the Facebook page:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Abortion Video Collateral Damage

Our local pregnancy center sent out an e-mail with a very good and important point. As horrified as we have been with the videos showing the callous disregard for life and the selling of baby body parts, imagine the woman who had an abortion because she believed what she was told about it NOT being a baby, but just a clump of cells. Now she is coming to grips with what she has done . . . oh my. Let us not forget these women and their need for our love and Christ's healing forgiveness.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Summertime, and the Living is . . . busy!

I don't know if this is the case for all pastors, but my summers are not times when things slow down, but are busier than ever. We had VBS right after school ended. Then I finished up my catechumens and rejoiced in their confirmation. Then off to Higher Things for a week, followed by a visit from  Bishop Omolo from Kenya with some meetings and get togethers for him, and in between all these things and their preparation, Circuit Visitor trips and meetings. Also, I just finished finalizing plans for our Circuit Pastor's Retreat in September. I am looking forward to that time with my brothers spent in liturgy and Scripture study and discussion.

So, I'm tired and much looking forward to vacation! I still have a couple weeks to go - taking a late vacation this year, combining it with dropping my son off for his second year of college. Soon . . .

Also, here is a picture of the pectoral crucifix we purchased as a gift for Bishop Omolo and presented to him during his visit:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Nyapalo, Kenya Lutheran Church

We are hosting Bishop Joseph Omolo of the Lutheran Church in Kenya for a few days. Last night he shared with us a picture of the church in Nyapalo that our congregation has partnered with and helped to build. Here are before and after pictures:

This is what the church looked like when I preached there. Very small and the walls were mud and stick construction and as you can see, beginning to fall apart.

Here is the new church. Brick and mortar construction and much larger. No windows or doors yet - they are trying to raise the needed funds for those.

It was good to finally see a picture of the church we helped to build! I know that there have been controversies with the church in Kenya and with the leadership, but how good to be able to help our brothers and sisters in Christ this way. Yet, in a way, ironic, as they have a church building and we do not! :-)