Monday, March 7, 2011

Litany Stories

A story about praying the litany . . .

In the late winter of my second year at seminary, a fourth year seminarian was killed in a horrible car accident right at the entrance to the seminary. The campus was stunned. Those of us who lived in the dorms with this man who was about to receive his call into the Holy Ministry were at a loss for words. We didn't know what to do.

The chapel bell began ringing, calling us to the chapel. We went and gathered in our stunned silence. The Dean of the Chapel came out and didn't try to console us or explain anything to us; he simply said we were going to pray the Litany. We did, and it was just what this sinner needed. It took our focus off ourselves and what had happened, and directed our eyes to the God of all grace and mercy as we prayed not just for ourselves, but for all people in every need.

When we didn't have the words to pray, the Litany gave us the words to pray. We concluded with the Lord's Prayer, strengthened by the Word and promise of God. From that day on, I have loved the Litany.

Do any of you have stories about the Litany?

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