Monday, December 1, 2008

Practicing What I Preach

This Wednesday night is the first of our Advent Evening Prayer services. However, it is also the night of my son's first Middle School Orchestra concert. So what to do? I am doing what I should do: being a father first and going to the concert. I have a friend who is an Air National Guard Chaplain in the area, who will fill in for me for the service.

Do I feel a little strange about this? Indeed, I do. It will seem wrong for me to be at the concert, though I know it isn't. And I know I need to do more of this. Pastor's children often have it tough, and try as I might, I know I often fail to be the father to them that I should. I am thankful for their forgiveness for me, and for my congregation's support in letting me go. I know many congregations that wouldn't. I am thankful for the good people of St. Athanasius!

One thing my pastor told me before I got married, that has stuck with me ever since - though as I said above, I do not always do what I should! - he said: "You're a father first, a pastor second. The church can always get another pastor, but your children have only one father." Amen. So Wednesday night I will not be at church, but enjoying and supporting my son.

And thank you, Lord, for my family.

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