Friday, June 28, 2024

Higher Things Day 3

Today was our second full day of the conference, which meant Matins, Plenary speaker, Vespers, Breakways, Evening Prayer, Free Time, Compline, and much more! These are full and busy days, but good, as we receive the gifts of God, learn, grow, have fun, and make new friends. Always a few hiccups, but not too many. :-)

Some pictures . . .

Petting Zoo

Pool was a favorite free time activity

I was asked to lead the fireside chat Thursday night - a time to gather around the fire and fire questions at the pastor! That's frightening, but good. :-)  Lots of good questions and conversation.

And, of course, some old (and new!) friends:

Rev. Joe Murphy, classmate at seminary.

Rev. Jonathan Baker, the new campus pastor at Concordia-Wisconsin.

Rev. John Henry, formerly in the SELC District - we miss him!

Rev. Noah Rogness, formerly of Immanuel, Alexandria, now up in Tomah, Wisconsin. He and his family came down for the day. He has some former-members-but-still-Athanasians at his congregation there!

Since I led the fireside chat (all 2.5 hours of it!), I didn't get to go around to all the free time activities this night that were going on. The last night is always lots of fun. So that's kind of a bummer, but I'm glad to help out, and our youth ask really good questions! This conference is for them, anyway. We'll be sad to leave tomorrow, as always. Look for that update!

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