Monday, August 14, 2023

Wittenberg by Day

Our full day in Wittenberg began with a visit to the Lutherhaus. I was pleasantly surprised. I did not expect the explanations and especially the theological interpretations to be great - but they actually did a good job of explaining the issues and how the Reformation progressed. They also had a lot of old documents from that time, which were cool to look at.


Disputation Dais.

With Katie Luther.

After Lutherhaus was Melanchthonhaus. It was interesting, but not as good as Lutherhaus. Melanchthonhaus was better preserved, but Lutherhaus had better stuff in it.

Those two sites took us most of the morning. So then it was down the street to the Castle Church to climb the tower!

The Castle Church tower.

Part way up . . .

The view from the top!

The bells in the tower.

Next we went in to check out the Castle Church. It is no longer called that, actually. When it was repaired and restored after bombings, war, and destruction, they renamed it “The Memorial Church of the Lutheran Reformation.” Lots of statues of reformers now grace its pillars . . . 










Then if was off to see St. Mary’s Church, where Luther did much of his preaching. After the Castle Church, it is the next tallest structure in the town.

Outside the church.

This is the BACK of the tryptich on the altar! The front is pretty famous, but I had never seen the back before. It has Jesus rising from the dead in the middle, flanked by Abraham ready to slay Isaac and Moses pointing the the bronze serpent on the pole in the wilderness. 

Right next to St. Mary’s is the Old Latin School, the LCMS presence in Wittenberg. This is where we will attend church on Sunday.

Finally, here’s the Luther statue in the town square.

Next, Wittenberg at night . . .

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