Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Open Letter on the Term "Homophobia"

Can we please stop labelling everyone who disagrees with homosexuality and who does not accept, embrace, and encourage it as “homophobic?” Just because someone has convictions against something or does not believe in something does not make them “phobic.” I happen also to think abortion is wrong, but that does not make me “abortiophobic.” I don’t believe in unicorns, but that does not make me “unicornphobic.” But you know what? I can still be friends with people who have had abortions and believe in unicorns!

Didn't we used to be a people that could disagree about things and discuss them civilly? But that no longer seems to be the case. I believe something, you believe something different. You can disagree with me. That’s fine. Why vilify one another? Why not discuss it? Have a conversation about it? Instead, the label “homophobic” is slapped on. All that does is shut down and avoid any dialogue that could happen. It is a way of saying “I’m right and you’re wrong. I’m not afraid and you are. Case closed. Change!”

Are there some people who are really, in the true meaning of the word, homophobic? I’m sure there are. But most of us aren’t. We just believe something differently than you. So can we please stop the castigating of anyone who says anything you happen to disagree with?


Carl Vehse said...

Can we please stop labelling everyone who disagrees with homosexuality and who does not accept, embrace, and encourage it as “homophobic?”

That would be nice, but I doubt the homonazis and their fifth-column MSM Christophobe supporters will peaceably agree to do so.

Pastor Peasant said...

I know they won't stop. The word is too useful for them. But had to vent anyway! :-)