Sunday, July 25, 2010

"Out of Season" Hymns

Today we commemorated St. James the Elder, Apostle in the Divine Service and we sang the appointed Office Hymn, which was LSB #420, Christ the Life of All the Living. This is a hymn that we normally only sing during the season of Lent. I always find it interesting to sing a hymn such as this "out of season." I get a different perspective on the words and the hymn seems to have a whole new "flavor" for me. So even though it seemed odd to me at the time I was scheduling the hymns to sing this one this day, I rather enjoyed it and think it fit the readings and sermon rather well.

1 comment:

Rev. James Leistico said...

one of my favorite hymns. Though I've always been curious how its tune found its way to Lent.
It was sung at my churches the day my daughter was born - I remember thinking, "Awww, I wanted to sing that." So after she was born, I sang it to my Emma.