Monday, July 8, 2024

Celebrate Life Conference

So the weekend before going to Higher Things was the National Celebrate Life Conference in DC. This was a gathering of pro-life groups from all over the country to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade and to encourage one another to continue the work of fighting for life - all life. The LCMS was a sponsor for this conference (the only church body to do so!). I wasn't able to attend the entire conference, but did talk to lots of folks and learned about a lot of organizations doing fantastic work! Like one group that helps folks leaving employment at Planned Parenthood find a job elsewhere, and another that helps women who have received a negative pre-natal diagnosis deal with the decision making and emotions. Seven Weeks Coffee was there, as was Everylife - check them out!

I was privileged to give the Opening Devotion on Saturday morning. Click here to read.

(Photo credit: LCMS photographer Frank Kohn)

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