Monday, October 10, 2022

Yes, I'm Alive!

Well, I see I haven't posted in about 5 weeks. I was 0 for September. Had quite the busy month, including trips to Montreal, Saint Louis, and a bike ride in DC. So, I'll try to catch up and just post a potpourri of pictures and stuff here today! ;-)

On vacation we went through Cincinnati and stopped by the William Howard Taft National Historic Site. Here's me and Billy, the only man to serve as both President of the United States and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

We visited both the Creation Museum and the Ark. The ark . . . it was BIG!

The cow stole my ice cream.  :-(

On the home front, when we got home from vacation, we had a bumper crop of tomatoes! Here's just some of them!

In September, my family and I went on the DC Bike Ride, a 20 mile ride through DC with the streets closed to traffic. It was a nice ride. Next year we plan on going up to Philadelphia and doing the Philly Ride back through our old stomping grounds. :-)

Because the past five weeks have been quite busy, I've slipped on my bike riding. Hopefully I can get back in the routine soon. I still have a lot on my plate, with a couple trips and presentations coming up, but hopefully I'll manage my time okay and be able to fit everything in. We'll see.

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