Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Children in the Divine Service

One of the things I love is to hear our congregation's children in the liturgy. They don't always say it exactly right, or at exactly the right times, but to hear them learning and taking part is, well, awe-inspiring. This is truly the faith being passed down to the next generation.

And so I love it when I hear them say "Lord, have mercy" after everyone else has said it! I love hearing a loud "Amen!" I love hearing them say the Lord's Prayer, AND having the rest of the congregation slow down for them! I love hearing the "Alleluias" and to hear them singing the Words of Institution with me. Those words were some of the first of the liturgy that my children learned. And what a great memory! All parents remember their children's first words - mama, or papa, or whatever. What were your children's first liturgical words? Could there be any better ones than "This is my body?" I also love it when they respond to questions in the sermon.

So parents, don't worry when your child speaks out in church! Of course, if they're being disruptive, that must be dealt with, that they learn how we act in God's house, the same as they learn how to act at home, in school, and in all sorts of places. But if they're just trying to take part, let them speak! Loudly! Is it in not quite the right place? That's alright; they'll learn soon enough. Enjoy them and their faith speaking to their Father who gave it.

1 comment:

Rev. James Leistico said...

timely post, in that this past Sunday I had the privileged pleasure to hear my godson's 4 year old sister loudly saying the Lord's Prayer from the back of the church. I wanted to slow down the church's cadence so she could keep up.