Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St. Patrick's Day and Birthday

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone. Sorry, no wild parties for me tonight!

Today would also have been my father's 101st birthday! I remember as a child always be amazed when my father would receive a card that celebrated BOTH St. Patrick's Day and his birthday! There can't be that many people born on this day to make the manufacture of special cards like that worth it, can there? Well, apparently there are! Anyway, Happy Birthday, Dad! A look forward to seeing you again.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Spring Break

So this week my daughter is home on Spring break, so we did a couple of special things: we went to the National Zoo to see the new pandas, and to an exhibit called The Art of the Brick, with over a hundred lego creations. I highly recommend both. The pandas were both very active, so fun to watch, and the lego creations amazing. Some pictures . . .

Having' a snack.

Mama gorilla and her baby (see it?).

There were many different kinds of lego creations - reproductions of famous pieces of art, historical artifacts, and animals. Here are some of them . . .

One of the Easter Island heads

Gorilla! (I wish I had thought to bring my little lego gorillas to visit their big brother!)

Polar bears

Now, these next three pictures go together and show you how realistic looking these lego creations are. 

(1.) A rhinoceros, with a picture of a rhinoceros in Africa behind it . . .

(2.) A closer look at the picture . . .

(3.) And a close-up of the rhino in the picture! It's the lego one!
The creator collaborated with an artist to create these pictures, which were just amazing.

And while there were many more animals, maybe just one final one . . .

An 18 foot long T-Rex! It was really cool.

I think it's there through the end of April, so if you have the time, give it a look!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Ash Wednesday

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, 
so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
2 Corinthians 5:21

 A blessed Ash Wednesday to you all.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

New Tabs

Check out the new tabs above for this year's Walk-Run-Ride for Life and for my Church's 40 Days for Life Social Media campaign.

Sponsor me or join our Lutherans for Life team for the Walk-Run-Ride for Life!

And use our 40 Days for Life pictures on all your Social Media platforms, emails, etc. to help us spread the word that Every Life is valuable and precious to God! 


Saturday, February 15, 2025